Hacking on Appmaker

This past week, I traveled to Revelstoke, BC [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revelstoke,_British_Columbia] for an Appmaker [http://appmaker.mozillalabs.com/] workweek. Appmaker is an application designed to enable anyone to create mobile web apps without needing to learn about coding. By combining various widgets together and connecting…

Solving Hard Problems is Hard: Third Party MakeAPI Publishing

A majority of my work on Webmaker [https://webmaker.org] has been dedicated to something we call the Make API [https://github.com/mozilla/MakeAPI]. It is a service for storing meta data about things people create online and making that meta data publicly searchable. Ever since we first stood…

API Key Authentication using Hawk

[https://chrisdecairos.ca/content/images/2013/07/webmaker.png] I've spent the better part of my last two weeks working on implementing a new form of authentication for the Make API. This post is going to detail what has changed, how it works, and how you can set up your…

Deploying the MakeAPI to Heroku

For the past three weeks I've been working on a new tool for Mozilla Webmaker [http://webmaker.org]. It is called the Make API [http://github.com/mozilla/MakeAPI]. As Webmaker grows and more tools and more people create awesome content, we need a way to help them (and ourselves)…