It Pays to Try

On Sunday afternoon and into the evening, I learned a very important lesson. I recently uploaded a patch that was supposed to fix the media type user preferences. These prefs allow users to toggle on and off different media types such as OGG, Wave Webm and Raw. I narrowed the…

Diving into the Unknown

In class last week, Humph [] challenged us to not just go about fixing bugs, but to also implement something new. I originally made plans with Dave [] and Matt [] to get media playback statistics […

OSD700 Release post 3 AKA 0.6

The work I've been doing for the past couple weeks can be found: BugĀ 517363 [] - Preserve video poster aspect ratio when scaling BugĀ 726904 [] - nsVideoFrame::GetVideoIntrinsicSize setting wrong size Bug…

Buggin' Out

As I detailed in my last post [], I've been hacking on Firefox bug 517363 []. This bug aims to fix

OSD700 Release 2

Before I get into my work over the past two weeks, Here's links to the code and bugs: GitHub Branch for bug 715323 [] Bugzilla bug for 715323 [] Github Branch for bug 517363 [https:…

Poster Frame Problems

I've been working all day on firefoxbug 517363 []. This bug is to fix video poster frame scaling. For example, if you have a video with a 4:3 aspect ratio, but you set the video element to be 500px high and…